2015 Photos

Nikon D810 (Nikon 80-200 f2.8)

Nikon D810 (Nikon 80-200 f2.8)
July 6
Nikon 80-200 Lens
I decided to try this lense one more time before abandoning it. I am so glad I did. I had no idea how clear and tight the resolution was with this glass. I made the mistake of trying to use it as a macro. It is not, nor does it pretend to be. I found it used on the internet, and it has been replaced with a 70-200mm alleged imorovement, but I am not sure any lens could be any sharper.

"How much is that kitty in the window?"

"How much is that kitty in the window?"
June 28
Tamron 70-200 Lens
Peek-a-boo Kitty
Found in the engine of an abandoned car in a hotel parking lot, born completely wild, my nejighbor's cat eyes me very carefully. He used to jump dow from the window sill the minute he spotted me. Now curiosity is getting the better of him. He had his entire head outside the blinds, but by the time I got my camera he had withdrawn slightly. He does not pose well, but he grows bolder each day.

White Oleanders

White Oleanders
June 27
Tamron 70-200 Lens
The oleanders return as the main subject. These were taken with my goto camera and lens. Considering the seemingly permanent haze from the heat, the colors prove fairly true.

June 25
Tamron 16-300 Lens
The drought has definetely taken its toll in the past year. Water conservation has drastically reduced the subject matter available. Many times a flower will look beautiful budding, only to dry up before fully blooming.
These three flowers were in various stages of budding and if you look closely you can see signs of already beginning to dry up. I had not used this camera or lens for quite some time, so it was like visiting an old friend.
June 23
Tamron 70-200 Lens
These oleanders dwell just next to my patio. They do not seem to need as much water as the other flowers in my complex. I saw a new beauty in them.
Two very good friends of mine just experienced two very different surgeries, and both are recovering quicly and well. Still I wanted to encourage them with this prayer,