Words Never Heard
Sometimes after my morning walk or jog, I grab my canera, still in my running gear, and circle my apartment complex looking for good...

Urban Decay
This company named itself perfectly. This entire campaign speaks for itself. ____________________________________________________________...

Watching retro, or nostalgic, television the other day, as I am often prone more and more and more to do the older I grow each day, I was...

How Come
How come in soccer the player that flops and pretends to be fouled does not take the shot when the foul is inside the penaly area?...

Too Old
Look at this old lady! Way too old for Miss America certainly. She’s almost 25, well past her prime for sure. … At 24, Miss Delaware is...

Cracker Barrel
Veteran fired from Cracker Barrel for giving homeless man a muffin Wednesday a spokesperson for Cracker Barrel released a statement...

When I first retired, I began listening seriously to the blues. True blues take time to savor, time that teaching had never allowed me. I...

Lincecum to the Rescue
29 players had ever thrown multiple no-hitters in major league baseball history. 3 had ever won multiple Cy Young Awards and thrown...

Horsing Around
Admittedly, I know little to nothing about soccer. I honestly cannot recall ever playing the game…ever. When I first started teaching 34...

Certain terms date a movie or television show as surely as automobiles or clothing styles do. Perhaps no such term standouts out more as...