July - 2016
"Camera Walks"
My right shoulder makes running virtually impossible. In the past, I have tried walking, but it could not replace the euphoria I felt running. During walks, I often found myself wishing I had my camera.
Badly out of shape from lack of exercise, a thought crossed my mind, 'Why not combine exercise, walking, with my passion, photography?' No longer a prisoner to mileage and time, it seemed a perfect solution to my problem of not exercising. Two hurdles came to mind: the weights of my D810 and D4s. Both bear considerable weight on my neck, and walking with heavy zoom lenses would only enhance the weight and the resulting fatigue.
Fortunately, I still have my first NIKON, the D5200. It is a DX camera, a compact body, whereas the other two NIKONs are both FX cameras, meaning full bodies. The D5200 has a Tamron zoom lens that ranges from 16-300mm, and is very light. And so, I tested it out.
This page is the result. To join a cam walk, simply pull down the menu by clicking on the tab above and click on a date and direction. Hope you enjoy!