Words Never Heard
Sometimes after my morning walk or jog, I grab my canera, still in my running gear, and circle my apartment complex looking for good photo subject material. I seem to always finish in front of my apartment complex, the corner where the office is located. It is close to my front door, so I take my last shots there and hurry to my place to have a look.
Last week, a cute little old lady walked by as I was on the top step taking pictures of a beautiful gold rose. She carries a little cart behind her, and she stood it upright and made her way to the steps where I was standing. I thought maybe she needed directions, although I have seen her around here before. I looked at her, and she leaned toward me and whispered in a barely audible voice, "You have beautiful legs." That was it.
I thanked her and told her no one had ever said that before. And that was the truth. in 61 1/2 years, those are words I have never heard regarding my legs. I would post a pic to prove it, but they might shut down this site in response.
She reached for the handle of her cart and proceeded on to the stop light, and off she went. It was so matter-of-factly, I could not help but smile.
I told my friend Bill the story, knowing from our coaching days that he has seen and knows my bird legs. He made the greatest knowing face and made me laugh again, saying, "Beautiful is not the first word that comes to mind." That was an understatement.