Cracker Barrel
Veteran fired from Cracker Barrel for giving homeless man a muffin
Wednesday a spokesperson for Cracker Barrel released a statement saying: "During the time he was employed, he violated the Company's policies regarding consuming food without paying or giving away free food, on five separate occasions. On the fifth occasion, again per Company policy, Mr. Koblenzer was terminated. Cracker Barrel is grateful for and honors Mr. Koblenzer's service to our country as we honor all service men and women and their families."
Shame on Mr. Koblenzer! Shame! Not once, but five times he gave away food. The gall of that Vietnam vet, 73 years old, with a heart for the less fortunate. What he must have cost Kraft foods, giving away five muffins. That must have put them out a fortune. They will probably never recover from that profit loss—at least for the quarter earnings.
I write this in the most facetious, sarcastic tone I can muster in words. Mr. Koblenzer should be celebrated, not just as a hero who served our country in a thankless war, but as a senior citizen that cares about humanity. Here is man trying to supplement his pension, warned four times before, but still put a homeless man, asking for free condiments as a meal, before himself. The man did not ask for a muffin; Mr. Koblenzer added it because he cared. No other reason. Obviously Cracker Barrel did not agree.
I commend Mr. Koblenzer. I reprimand with disgust Cracker Barrel and Kraft. If I could fire them I would. I can only boycott Crackle Barrel and encourage others to do the same. In my mind, the name is now “Cracked Barrel.”